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November Newsletter

You’ve gotten through midterms and are officially halfway through the fall semester!

All that stands between you and the end of the semester are maybe some exams, final projects and holiday breaks. It’s easy to start feeling run down and not as motivated as when you were in the middle of the semester. This newsletter contains information and resources to help you make your way through obstacles or challenges.


Why do we procrastinate? We know we need to finish that essay that’s due at midnight or study for that exam tomorrow morning, but we choose to scroll on TikTok instead.

Why do we make these decisions that leave us feeling guilty and overwhelmed?

  • Instant gratification. Our brains prefer short-term rewards over long-term goals, leading to procrastination as we choose easier, more enjoyable activities.
  • Fear of failure. Associating a task with failure or judgment may make us feel anxious and want to avoid the task we need to complete.
  • The value is missing. When a task feels like a burden, meaningless or unimportant, you likely won’t feel motivated to do it.
  • You believe your brain. Your brain may tell you “I don’t have motivation today” or “I have tried this before and I failed.”

How to help with procrastination:

  • Make a time management plan. WELLWVU has some great resources on time management you can check out.
  • Take a moment to relax. WELLWVU also has a daily chillPACK that helps you chill and retrain your brain to look for the positive. Do one activity a day and watch your productivity and perspective change for the better!
  • Reduce your stress. Here is a deep breathing exercise video from the Carruth Center.


Are you feeling burnt out? Burnout can show up in any area of your life but usually is apparent in areas that expose you to a lot of demands.

What does burnout look like?

  • Emotional exhaustion: fatigue, poor concentration, anxiety, depression and/or irritability.
  • Disconnection: isolation, lack of empathy, loss of enjoyment and/or pessimism.
  • Decreased motivation: poor performance, lack of productivity and/or lack of purpose.

How to help with burnout

  • Take breaks.
  • Schedule time for fun and adequate social time. WVU has a lot of fun activities planned for students throughout the semester. You can find events happening across campus on the WVU Events Calendar.
  • Prioritize taking care of yourself (i.e., getting enough sleep, hydrating, fueling and moving your body). The Carruth Center offers several self-care tips for taking care of yourself and reducing stress.
  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Focus on healthy striving! We covered healthy striving in last month’s newsletter. You can find the information on our website for a refresher.


Are you struggling with substance use? Counselors at the Carruth Center are here to support you. Some students find it difficult to navigate substance use throughout their time at college. If you are thinking this might be a concern for you, WVU’s Carruth Center and Collegiate Recovery are resources here for you.

WVU’s Student Assistance Program (SAP) offers an array of services for students with alcohol or other drug concerns, including individual assessment, individual counseling, psychoeducational groups and online educational activities. Students interested in receiving alcohol or other drug counseling may contact the Carruth Center at 304-293-4431 to schedule an appointment. Self-referrals are welcomed.Students who seek SAP services are required to participate in an intake/evaluation by the SAP staff.

WVU’s Collegiate Recovery Program supports students in recovery by promoting a healthy, balanced and meaningful life on campus. During the academic year, Collegiate Recovery hosts a variety of recovery-supportive programming, including Start Your Day Right, recovery support groups, meditation, nutritional programs, sober social events and more!

Collegiate Recovery also houses Serenity Place, a spot on campus where students can come to relax and feel safe and welcome. You can hang out and find support and friendship with others who are in various stages of recovery. Serenity Place offers quiet study spaces, workout equipment, snacks, a big-screen TV and free coffee.


Don’t wait until it’s the week before finals before you reach out to someone for help. If you’re struggling with academics, try talking with your professor or academic adviser for some guidance.

You can also schedule a time to talk with a therapist at the Carruth, WVU’s campus counseling center. There are multiple ways students can talk with a counselor, including:

  • Schedule an appointment online or by calling 304-293-4431
  • Students can use Talkspace, a free online therapy service that connects users to a dedicated therapist.
  • You can stop by one of Carruth’s Let’s Chat events and have a 20-minute conversation with a Carruth therapist.

Don’t forget about your support system! Talk and lean on family and friends who can help you work through some of the items on your plate so you’re able to balance work and your personal life easier.
