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Referrals & Care Management

Not every student’s needs may be met through short-term counseling. Sometimes a student’s care may require a particular type of expertise, more frequent appointments or services that are offered more longer-term. 

Referral services are offered through initial appointments or as factors become apparent during a course of care.  Clinicians will work with students to identify providers in the area who meet their clinical needs and aid with the referral process.  

Below are common examples of needs beyond a short-term frame: 

  • Clinical need to receive treatment once a week or more. 

  • Chronic issues that significant impact mental or emotional functioning 

  • Inability to identify short-term treatment goals 

  • Chronic suicidality and/or self-injurious behaviors; history of repeated suicide attempts and/or hospitalizations 

  • Psychotic symptoms 

  • Students who are exclusively interested in psychiatric services 

  • Students who need specialized services not available through the center; 

  • Presence of significant or long-standing eating disorder 

  • Presence of drug and/or alcohol problems 

  • Services to fulfill requirements for court-mandated mental health treatment 

  •  Symptoms resulting in one or more voluntary or involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations

Care Management Services  

Care Managers are available to assist students with the referral process. They can discuss factors such as insurance, finances, location, specialization, etc to aid students with finding care that best meets their clinical needs.  

If you identify having needs beyond a short-term frame you may call (304-293-4431) and ask to speak with a Care Manager to aid with the referral process.  Additional information about how to find a provider and a list of local clinicians can be found here