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Student Emotional Wellbeing Badge

The Student Emotional Wellbeing Badge helps students understand their mental health and wellbeing and learn more about available resources on campus.

It is no secret that the mental health of college students is an escalating crisis. Over 78% of WVU students reported either moderate or serious psychological distress on the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) in Fall 2021. 

By enrolling in this badge, students can build the skills they need to help manage emotional wellbeing concerns. Their participation provides them the opportunity to reflect on their own mental health and how they are taking care of themselves while providing information about resources that will aid in their wellness. 

To learn more about the specific requirements of the badge, please visit the Badgr site.

Badge Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to describe signs of distress in themselves and others.
  2. Students will be able to confidently identify appropriate campus resources to utilize when in distress.
  3. Students will be able to identify 3 strategies that will promote their own emotional wellbeing. 

Additional Information on Program Elements

  • For more information and to request training on Mental Health First Aid and the Get Inclusive Mental Health module, please visit WellWVU’s Mental Health Training Resources page.
  • For more information and to register for Mental Health 101 please visit Carruth’s Mental Health 101 Training page.
  • For more information regarding SafeTALK, please email Wes Thomas
  • To find the Let’s Chat schedule visit Carruth’s Let’s Chat page.
  • To access WellWVU’s ChillPACK please visit ChillPACK page.
  • For information on campus events relating to emotional wellbeing, follow Carruth and WellWVU on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! 

Element Submission

To submit program elements for hours, please use this Qualtrics link. 

Badge Completion

After completing the required 10 (minimum) points, participants will be emailed a link to a final badge evaluation. Participants must score at least 80% on the assessment to be issued the badge.