Faculty and staff members are often the first responders when our students are in distress. Please note that if you see someone who is in imminent risk, call 911 immediately.
What do we do when a student is in crisis?
Faculty and staff may contact the Carruth Center if they encounter troubled students and are unsure how to help them. Simply call 304-293-4431 and ask to speak to a staff counselor. This number can also be used for after-hours emergencies.
We also work closely with the Office of Accessibility Services, should a faculty or staff member suspect a student has a learning or testing disability. Often, a referral from an instructor may tip the balance for a student who is hesitant about accepting our services.
If you are concerned about a student and it is not an immediate crisis, you can also
submit a referral to the CARE Team. If this is an emergent situation or
an immediate threat to self or others, please contact the
following 24/7 resources. Completing a CARE referral in lieu of emergency services
will delay a response.
If you are working with a student that is in a Crisis or Emergency Situation, please see our Emergency Resources.
You can also encourage your student to take a general online mental health screening. These are anonymous screenings several areas of mental health, including depression, anxiety, academic distress, eating concerns, frustration level, family stress, and alcohol use.
Referring a student to counseling
It is important to recognize signs of distress. When we notice that someone else may need help it is important to speak to them about it and we have some great tips about how to do this.
Conversations about mental health or suicidal thoughts can be hard and often people worry about saying the wrong thing. Seize the Awkward is a great resource for family, friends, professors, and loved ones to learn how to have these difficult conversations as well as understand the importance of them.
Referring a student to counseling
Our center is oriented to the needs of students. If you are a faculty or staff member
who would like assistance for yourself, please contact the WVU Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, a free and confidential problem-solving
resource, at