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To schedule an appointment, click "Make An Appointment" during our operational hours or call 304-293-4431. If you're experiencing a crisis, text WVU to 741741 or call 304-293-4431.

Common Student Concerns

Students seek counseling services for many reasons. Common concerns include:

  • Anxiety, Worry, Perfectionism
  • Depression, hopelessness , feeling overwhelmed
  • Grief and loss
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Stress
  • Lack of motivation and procrastination
  • Dealing with conflict or difficult people
  • Eating problems or body image concerns
  • Lack of confidence, assertiveness, self-esteem
  • Family expectations or problems
  • Past or recent trauma, abuse (physical, sexual, emotional), sexual assault or stalking
  • Sexuality or gender identity questions 
  • Racial trauma, discrimination or harassment 
  • Adjustment to college 
  • Attention difficulties ( ADHD)
  • Alcohol and substance use 
  • Communication issues

Depressed mood, stress, anxiety and problems with academic performance are the most common concerns reported to the counseling center staff. In fact, a majority of the students we see indicate that their personal problems have at least a moderate impact on their studies, even when academic concerns are not the main issue for which they sought help.

Counseling helps students learn new coping skills, set goals, solve problems, make decisions, and manage stress, but it also provides a safe and structured environment in which students can explore various aspects of their emerging adult lives – independence, values, personal goals, sexuality, intimacy and friendship.

In delivering services, the counseling center staff members collaborate with other campus departments (e.g. Accessibility Services, Career Services, Residence Life, Health Center) when appropriate.

How does a student determine whether they need counseling?

There are no set criteria for seeking services. Students wondering about whether their concerns are appropriate to bring to the counseling center, are strongly encouraged to make an appointment to consult with one of our staff.

As licensed mental health professionals, our staff is experienced in helping students who are depressed, anxious or have other psychological disorders. But although we help with these issues, we also work with many students who have other concerns. There is no problem or issue that is “too small” to discuss. If something is big enough to bother a student, it’s big enough to talk about with a counselor.

For example, we work with students who are lonely or homesick, who experience stress, who have concerns about their families, and who want help in better managing their time. We work with students about relationship issues, sexuality, assertion, eating and body image concerns, sexual assault, trauma and many other issues. 

What are some ways that I can start to work on my concerns?

In addition to counseling or sometimes before someone starts counseling, the healthy living habits that you develop and  practice are so important to you overall well-being. These habits help you manage you stress levels, improve relationships and overall functioning. It is important to practice self-care and to make yourself a priority, just like you make classes and relationships a priority.  

Self-Help Resources and Important Information:

  • ULifeline: Online Resource that provides enormous mental health resources for college students.
  • Mental Health and Wellness Apps Technology is available for those seeking to work on their mental health and wellness.  
  • Counseling Myths: Common myths about counseling are addressed and explained.  

Online Mental Health Screening:

General Online Mental Health Screenings  are anonymous screenings on several areas of mental health, including        depression, anxiety, academic distress, eating concerns, frustration level, family stress, and alcohol use.