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To schedule an appointment, click "Make An Appointment" during our operational hours or call 304-293-4431. If you're experiencing a crisis, text WVU to 741741 or call 304-293-4431.

Short-Term Counseling

At the end of your initial consultation session, the clinician you met with might recommend you come back for group or individual counseling sessions; you are free to accept or decline this recommendation.

If you decide to participate in short term counseling, you will be matched with a counselor based on experience, area of concern and availability. Once you are matched with this counselor, you will have an opportunity to develop treatment goals and arrange regular sessions. Regular sessions can be weekly, every other week or less frequently. Sessions are typically scheduled for 45-50 minutes. Many students find that their concerns are resolved in 3-4 sessions.

Students who desire or need specialized or longer term care may be referred to providers in the community who can provide this care.

New Counseling Clients

To get started with services, please visit our Orientation to Services to learn how to get started and which services may be best for you.

Returning Counseling Clients

Returning Counseling Clients are clients who started counseling (were assigned to a counselor and completed at least one visit) in one semester and would like to resume services the following semester. Clients who wish to resume services should call 304-293-4431 to schedule an appointment so we can assess your counseling needs.

Scheduling an appointment will ensure the counselor you see has time to review the records of your previous care; this may decrease the length of time before your appointment is scheduled. In most cases, we will attempt to schedule your appointment with your former counselor (unless you prefer a different counselor).