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Monthly Newsletters

April Newsletter

It’s hard to believe we’re into April! With only a few more weeks of the semester left, you likely have a lot on your mind.

And you might be facing some tough decisions in the next few months that may lead to difficult conversations. Maybe you’re trying to figure out your academics and trying to decide if you should drop a class or change your major. Perhaps you’re looking towards the future and trying to decide if you should get an internship for the summer, take the time to travel or debating attending summer school. Maybe you are already looking ahead to the next school year and trying to decide where you should live or what life after graduation will look like. We know these decisions can be overwhelming and, at times, feel heavy. You may even be anxious about some potentially tough conversations with family, friends or loved ones. We have identified some tips and techniques for you to consider.

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March Newsletter

Welcome back from spring break! We’re excited to have you back on campus and hope you were able to take the week to rest and unwind, spend time with friends and family and take a moment to do things that you enjoy. Did you know today is the first day of spring? Spring signifies coming out of the darkness as we’ve transitioned from longer nights to longer days. We’re looking forward to warmer weather as the end of the semester draws closer.

You got through your midterms and you’re back from break refreshed, but as we all know, finals week is on the horizon. NOW is the best time to begin preparing yourself for your upcoming tests and projects. Taking time before the day of a big test or presentation to focus on preparation and taking care of yourself can minimize the day-of jitters. It’s important for you to have some tools in your toolbelt to help turn the volume down on your anxiety. The Carruth Center has listed some relaxation techniques below for you to try. You can use these techniques over the next few weeks and on test days.

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February Newsletter

We think it’s fair to say February can be a challenging month for many. The weather is cold, it’s dark and we’re all eagerly waiting for spring. February can also be an exciting month that brings opportunities to meet new people, grow relationships you already have and practice self-care.

When it comes to being the healthiest you can be, your connection with others might just be the biggest tool in your tool belt. Connecting with others comes with major health benefits and can help satisfy the three main areas in your life, including your physical, emotional and mental health. To make sure connections impact you positively, it’s important to make sure those relationships are healthy.

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January Newsletter

This is a new monthly email that will be sent to all students focusing on mental health from experts at the Carruth Center.

Your well-being is the most important thing here at WVU, and we hope that these emails will meet you where you are in your life, in your semester, etc. This is part of our commitment at WVU to keep you safe, share as many of our resources as we can and show you that you are loved and valued.

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