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Carruth Center Blog

Accessing the Office of Accessibility Services

December 3rd is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Each year, the United Nations announces a theme to observe and this year’s focus is on empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality. Here at the Carruth Center and along with other departments on West Virginia University campuses, we place importance on empowering individuals and creating a sense of equality and inclusivity. 

At the Carruth Center, we often meet with students who are struggling academically and our office help students get connected to the Office of Accessibility Services. The Office of Accessibility Services helps improve a student’s academic success through arranging appropriate accommodations. Our staff also meet with students referred by accessibility specialists to receive appropriate documentation to meet the minimum requirements to obtain accommodations. Read on to learn how to effectively navigate the process to obtain accommodations through OAS, the Carruth Center and other applicable resources.   

Read Full Article: Accessing the Office of Accessibility Services

Meditate through the Madness

By Courtney McDonald 

It’s no secret that college is stressful. It seems that many of us will spend an all-nighter studying and then reward ourselves with an all-nighter of binge-watching our favorite shows. What if we tried incorporating self-care and “treating ourselves” into our daily routine? What if we started practicing mastering the art of balance? Where would we even begin?  

First of all, what is meditation?  It is a mental exercise that brings us better awareness and helps us create a mind-body connection. Practing meditation daily has  so many benefits, including overall better mood, lower blood pressure, and better concentration. It is important to remember that there is not a right or wrong way to do it! The important things are that you feel relaxed and enjoy the time spent doing it. Meditating every morning can help start your day off right, leading you to feel more organized and centered. Many have said that meditating every evening has been helpful for falling asleep. 

Read Full Article: Meditate through the Madness