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To schedule an appointment, click "Make An Appointment" during our operational hours or call 304-293-4431. If you're experiencing a crisis, text WVU to 741741 or call 304-293-4431.

Signs of a Drinking Problem

  • High tolerance – the need to drink more to get drunk
  • Getting drunk when you intended to stay sober
  • Blackout – the inability to remember what happened while drinking
  • Mood swings or personality changes
  • Getting drunk frequently
  • Inability to consistently control your drinking
  • Engaging in illegal behavior while drinking
  • School, job, or financial difficulties related to drinking
  • Injuring yourself or others while drinking
  • Family or social problems caused by drinking
  • Hangovers that last longer or are more severe
  • Starting the day with a drink (weekends count, too)
  • Finding reasons to be in drinking situations

Any one or more of the symptoms listed above may indicate a drinking problem. This is the time to be truthful with yourself about the severity of your problem. Sometimes, the people closest to you recognize your problem but are afraid to talk about it. If someone has talked to you about a possible drinking problem, you have a very strong reason to take an honest look at your drinking habits.