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To schedule an appointment, click "Make An Appointment" during our operational hours or call 304-293-4431. If you're experiencing a crisis, text WVU to 741741 or call 304-293-4431.

Get Help for Yourself

If you or someone you know is experiencing an immediate life-threatening emergency, call the University Police at 304-293-3136 immediately. Also check out other emergency resources.

Get Help for Yourself

If you’re not feeling like yourself, your feelings are normal and you are not alone. There are many resources available to you that can help. Some things that you can do to move forward:

  1. Use a self-screening tool. Take our online mental health screening tool and follow its suggestions about next steps. These anonymous screenings cover areas of mental health, including depression, anxiety, academic distress, eating concerns, frustration level, family stress, and alcohol use.
  2. Attend a workshop, Let's Chat or an outreach event. These are great ways to help determine what is needed to improve your mental wellbeing.
  3. Self-help resources. The Resources section of our website has helpful self-care tips and strategies, common student concerns, options for online therapy and more. Also see
  4. Schedule an appointment at the Carruth Center. You can use our online scheduling tool or call the center.
  5. Emergency Situations. Use our emergency resources if you worry that you may not be able keep yourself or someone else safe.